
We want to help you take the next step in your journey.
Tell us how we can help.

We want to help you take the next step in your journey. Tell us how we can help.

Grab Coffee with a Pastor

Not sure where you fit or what the next step may be? Schedule a time to grab coffee with a pastor and let them help you navigate what God might be calling you to do next.

Schedule coffee with a pastor here.

Grab Coffee with a Pastor

Not sure where you fit or what the next step may be? Schedule a time to grab coffee with a pastor and let them help you navigate what God might be calling you to do next. Schedule coffee with a pastor here.

Get More Info

Thanks for checking out Springdale. We’re looking forward to getting to know you and helping you take the next step in your faith journey. Request more information here.

Get More Info

Thanks for checking out Springdale. We’re looking forward to getting to know you and helping you take the next step in your faith journey. Request more information here.

Plan My Visit

We’re so glad you’re here! We’re excited to connect with you and help you make your first visit to Springdale as smooth as possible. When you let us know you are coming, we’ll have a member of our Connect Team meet you at the front entrance when you arrive and help you find your way around. For example, they can assist with kid check-in (if necessary), show you where to grab a cup of coffee, and help you find a seat in the Worship Center. We can’t wait to meet you! Plan your visit here.

Plan My Visit

We’re so glad you’re here! We’re excited to connect with you and help you make your first visit to Springdale as smooth as possible. When you let us know you are coming, we’ll have a member of our Connect Team meet you at the front entrance when you arrive and help you find your way around. For example, they can assist with kid check-in (if necessary), show you where to grab a cup of coffee, and help you find a seat in the Worship Center. We can’t wait to meet you! Plan your visit here.

Give My Life to Jesus

Giving your life to Jesus means you believe the gospel message and are making a voluntary commitment to surrender to Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Find out more here. Contact a pastor here.

Give My Life to Jesus

Giving your life to Jesus means you believe the gospel message and are making a voluntary commitment to surrender to Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Find out more
Contact a pastor

Get Baptized

Baptism is an outward expression of an inward transformation! Talk to a pastor about baptism here.

Baptism FAQs

The New Testament shows a consistent pattern: After a person believes, that person is baptized. This practice is called believer’s baptism because a person must first believe in Jesus before they are bap- tized. Baptism is an outward expression of an inward transformation. Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ. A person comes to faith by repenting of sin and turning to Christ as Savior and Lord. It’s a vol- untary decision, yet God is mysteriously involved. Baptism is the first step of obedience a new believer will take once that person has surrendered to Jesus. It is a picture of what takes place at the time of sal- vation—being cleansed and having one’s sins washed away. It says, “I have died to my old life (going under the water), and I am alive to new life in Christ (coming out of the water).” It signifies that a believ- er has put to death his or her old life and has been raised to walk in new life. In other words, baptism is a public testimony to the world and to the church signifying the believer’s new commitment to follow Jesus.

At Springdale Church, we practice baptism after conversion (Acts 2:41) by immersing the believer under the water (Acts 8:38) in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19) because we believe that it is the best picture of spiritual death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:4–5) and because it is the pattern we see in the New Testament (Acts 18:8). When a person is ready to be baptized, we ask three questions:
     1. Do you know that you’re a sinner but in His great love for you God has forgiven you?
     2. Do you believe Jesus was God Himself (God the Son), lived a perfect life, died on the cross for your sin, and rose from the grave on the third day?
     3. Do you confess that Jesus is your Savior and Lord and commit to live your life for Him?

After this, the pastor (or the person baptizing you) will say something like “Based on your profession of faith, I am excited to baptize you as my brother/sister in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Immerse at this point) Buried with Christ in baptism and raised to walk in new life!” Then, every- one will celebrate with you the step of obedience you just took. It’s very exciting and meaningful!

Prior to your baptism celebration day, we will give you a free t-shirt. On the day of your baptism, wear your normal clothes to church, but bring a t-shirt, a pair of shorts, and a towel. We have private chang- ing rooms backstage for you to use.

Some denominations baptize or “christen” infants to represent the parents’ commitment to dedicate their child to Christ. While this is a very important part of the religious practice and tradition of many families, it is not the same as believer’s baptism. Believer’s baptism occurs after someone makes a per- sonal decision to follow Christ for him- or herself. Many of our members were baptized as infants, but they all took a step of obedience to be baptized once they made their own personal commitment to repent of sin and believe in Jesus. Sometimes that happens as a child or later in life. Believer’s baptism is a public declaration only the new believer can make. We believe this honors Jesus and follows the normative pattern in the New Testament.

Tell us you want to talk about baptism here.

Get Baptized

Baptism is an outward expression of an inward transformation! Talk to a pastor about baptism here.

Baptism FAQs

The New Testament shows a consistent pattern: After a person believes, that person is baptized. This practice is called believer’s baptism because a person must first believe in Jesus before they are bap- tized. Baptism is an outward expression of an inward transformation. Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ. A person comes to faith by repenting of sin and turning to Christ as Savior and Lord. It’s a vol- untary decision, yet God is mysteriously involved. Baptism is the first step of obedience a new believer will take once that person has surrendered to Jesus. It is a picture of what takes place at the time of sal- vation—being cleansed and having one’s sins washed away. It says, “I have died to my old life (going under the water), and I am alive to new life in Christ (coming out of the water).” It signifies that a believ- er has put to death his or her old life and has been raised to walk in new life. In other words, baptism is a public testimony to the world and to the church signifying the believer’s new commitment to follow Jesus.

At Springdale Church, we practice baptism after conversion (Acts 2:41) by immersing the believer under the water (Acts 8:38) in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19) because we believe that it is the best picture of spiritual death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:4–5) and because it is the pattern we see in the New Testament (Acts 18:8). When a person is ready to be baptized, we ask three questions:
     1. Do you know that you’re a sinner but in His great love for you God has forgiven you?
     2. Do you believe Jesus was God Himself (God the Son), lived a perfect life, died on the cross for your sin, and rose from the grave on the third day?
     3. Do you confess that Jesus is your Savior and Lord and commit to live your life for Him?

After this, the pastor (or the person baptizing you) will say something like “Based on your profession of faith, I am excited to baptize you as my brother/sister in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Immerse at this point) Buried with Christ in baptism and raised to walk in new life!” Then, every- one will celebrate with you the step of obedience you just took. It’s very exciting and meaningful!

Prior to your baptism celebration day, we will give you a free t-shirt. On the day of your baptism, wear your normal clothes to church, but bring a t-shirt, a pair of shorts, and a towel. We have private chang- ing rooms backstage for you to use.

Some denominations baptize or “christen” infants to represent the parents’ commitment to dedicate their child to Christ. While this is a very important part of the religious practice and tradition of many families, it is not the same as believer’s baptism. Believer’s baptism occurs after someone makes a per- sonal decision to follow Christ for him- or herself. Many of our members were baptized as infants, but they all took a step of obedience to be baptized once they made their own personal commitment to repent of sin and believe in Jesus. Sometimes that happens as a child or later in life. Believer’s baptism is a public declaration only the new believer can make. We believe this honors Jesus and follows the normative pattern in the New Testament.

Tell us you want to talk about baptism here.

Participate in a LifeGroup

Our LifeGroups, or “small groups,” meet at 8:45 a.m. Sunday mornings. We first gather for a quick prayer in the Café before groups begin. LifeGroups exist to support our vision to be a disciple-making church where every member is challenged, encouraged, and equipped to live all of life as worship, in community, and on mission. While every LifeGroup takes on the personalities of its members, one thing remains the same: Each group will study the Bible, pray for one another, encourage you in your walk with Christ, build community, and equip you to be on mission.

Contact Pastor Daniel to find the right group for you. Contact Pastor Daniel here. 

Participate in a LifeGroup

Our LifeGroups, or “small groups,” meet at 8:45 a.m. Sunday mornings. We first gather for a quick prayer in the Café before groups begin. LifeGroups exist to support our vision to be a disciple-making church where every member is challenged, encouraged, and equipped to live all of life as worship, in community, and on mission. While every LifeGroup takes on the personalities of its members, one thing remains the same: Each group will study the Bible, pray for one another, encourage you in your walk with Christ, build community, and equip you to be on mission.

Contact Pastor Daniel to find the right group for you. Contact Pastor Daniel here.

Join the Church

At Springdale Church, membership matters. Our membership covenant is called “Life Together at Springdale.” The membership covenant contains commitments our members have made to one another as we seek to glorify God and live out the gospel together. To help you join in the life and ministry of the church, we ask all new members to participate in a four-step process, which includes attending a free lunch called First Connection, participating in two membership classes, and having coffee with one of our pastors so they can get to know you better.

First Connection

This is an informal lunch held right after the worship service where you get to know us and we get to know you. You will hear Springdale’s vision, mission, and philosophy of ministry; meet some of our elders and members; and participate in a forum where you can ask anything.

Meet Springdale (Class #1)

In our first of two membership classes, you will hear about the past, present, and future of Springdale as well as be introduced to our core beliefs. This class will take place at 8:45am on Sunday morning in the Community Center. Child ministry programming is provided for all ages.

Pastor Talk

This is a chance for one of our pastors/elders to share his salvation testimony, baptism story, and Springdale experience with you as well as for you to share your testimony, baptism story, and church history with them. It is also a good time for you to ask questions, share what you are looking for in a church, and explore ways to serve. This meeting with be scheduled between the pastor/elder and you.

Life Together (Class #2)

In our second of two membership classes, you will explore what your “future” could look like at Springdale by unpacking Springdale’s membership covenant “Life Together at Springdale,” hearing from our Connect Director about needs in the church, and finding the right ministry team where you can use your gifts and passions. This class will also take place at 8:45am on Sunday morning in the Community Center. Child ministry programming is provided for all ages.

Contact our Connect Director here.

Join the Church

At Springdale Church, membership matters. Our membership covenant is called “Life Together at Springdale.” The membership covenant contains commitments our members have made to one another as we seek to glorify God and live out the gospel together. To help you join in the life and ministry of the church, we ask all new members to participate in a four-step process, which includes attending a free lunch called First Connection, participating in two membership classes, and having coffee with one of our pastors so they can get to know you better.

First Connection

This is an informal lunch held right after the worship service where you get to know us and we get to know you. You will hear Springdale’s vision, mission, and philosophy of ministry; meet some of our elders and members; and participate in a forum where you can ask anything.

Meet Springdale (Class #1)

In our first of two membership classes, you will hear about the past, present, and future of Springdale as well as be introduced to our core beliefs. This class will take place at 8:45am on Sunday morning in the Community Center. Child ministry programming is provided for all ages.

Pastor Talk

This is a chance for one of our pastors/elders to share his salvation testimony, baptism story, and Springdale experience with you as well as for you to share your testimony, baptism story, and church history with them. It is also a good time for you to ask questions, share what you are looking for in a church, and explore ways to serve. This meeting with be scheduled between the pastor/elder and you.

Life Together (Class #2)

In our second of two membership classes, you will explore what your “future” could look like at Springdale by unpacking Springdale’s membership covenant “Life Together at Springdale,” hearing from our Connect Director about needs in the church, and finding the right ministry team where you can use your gifts and passions. This class will also take place at 8:45am on Sunday morning in the Community Center. Child ministry programming is provided for all ages.

Contact our Connect Director here.

Serve on a Ministry Team

At Springdale Church, we believe every member should serve one of the ministries of the church. And we have lots of ways you can use the gifts and passions God gave you for His glory, for the building up of His church, and for the advancement of His mission. To find the right team for you, contact our Connect Team Director here.

Greeting Team

The Greeting Team serves the church by creating a welcom- ing, engaging, and Christ-like atmosphere by opening doors, greeting everyone, and helping guests find their way.

Contact Greeting Team here.

Café Team

The Café Team serves the church by arriving early to prepare coffee and pastries, welcoming guests and members, and answering questions about upcoming events.

Contact Café Team here.

Connect Team

The Connect Team serves the church by helping each person take the next step in his or her faith journey. They do this by managing the Connect Center, introducing guests to pastors and staff, and welcoming those who submit “Plan My Visit” requests.

Contact Connect Team here.

Usher Team

The Usher Team serves the church by greeting everyone as they enter the worship center, helping guests find a seat, and assisting anyone in need.

Contact Usher Team here.

Worship Arts Team

The Worship Arts Team serves the church by leading people to know, exalt, and follow God through music, Scripture reading, and prayer in our corporate gatherings.

Contact Worship Arts Team here.

Production Team

The Production Team serves the church by managing the technical needs of the worship service, such as running sound, lights, video, and ProPresenter.

Contact Production Team here.

Family Ministry Team

The Family Ministry Team (which ministers to infants through high school seniors) serves the church by cultivating an environment that helps kids and parents grow in their love for God, the church, and His mission. Needs include teachers, table facilitators, event volunteers, check in specialists, musicians, and tech support.

Contact Family Ministry Team here.

Serve on a Ministry Team

At Springdale Church, we believe every member should serve one of the ministries of the church. And we have lots of ways you can use the gifts and passions God gave you for His glory, for the building up of His church, and for the advancement of His mission. To find the right team for you, contact our Connect Team Director here.

Greeting Team

The Greeting Team serves the church by creating a welcom- ing, engaging, and Christ-like atmosphere by opening doors, greeting everyone, and helping guests find their way.

Contact Greeting Team here.

Café Team

The Café Team serves the church by arriving early to prepare coffee and pastries, welcoming guests and members, and answering questions about upcoming events.

Contact Café Team here.

Connect Team

The Connect Team serves the church by helping each person take the next step in his or her faith journey. They do this by managing the Connect Center, introducing guests to pastors and staff, and welcoming those who submit “Plan My Visit” requests.

Contact Connect Team here.

Usher Team

The Usher Team serves the church by greeting everyone as they enter the worship center, helping guests find a seat, and assisting anyone in need.

Contact Usher Team here.

Worship Arts Team

The Worship Arts Team serves the church by leading people to know, exalt, and follow God through music, Scripture reading, and prayer in our corporate gatherings.

Contact Worship Arts Team here.

Production Team

The Production Team serves the church by managing the technical needs of the worship service, such as running sound, lights, video, and ProPresenter.

Contact Production Team here.

Family Ministry Team

The Family Ministry Team (which ministers to infants through high school seniors) serves the church by cultivating an environment that helps kids and parents grow in their love for God, the church, and His mission. Needs include teachers, table facilitators, event volunteers, check in specialists, musicians, and tech support.

Contact Family Ministry Team here.

Give to the Mission

We believe God has called us to participate in His mission to make disciples in our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. As a church in northeast Louisville, we are determined to engage our context with the gospel and, with the same urgency, partner with God-called missionaries and ministry partners in order to make disciples locally, regionally, and globally. Sending and supporting missionary and ministry partners is a privilege, stewardship, and responsibility. Give to the mission here.

Give to the Mission

We believe God has called us to participate in His mission to make disciples in our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. As a church in northeast Louisville, we are determined to engage our context with the gospel and, with the same urgency, partner with God-called missionaries and ministry partners in order to make disciples locally, regionally, and globally. Sending and supporting missionary and ministry partners is a privilege, stewardship, and responsibility. Give to the mission here.

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Stay informed with what’s going on in and through the life of Springdale. Subscribe here.